
This module describes the aetiology, pathology and clinical manifestations of glomerulonephritis (GN). It provides information on the pathophysiology, prognosis, and management strategies of various types of glomerulonephritis.

Self-Paced Online


Professor Alan Salama


2 hours


Nephrologists and Medical Professionals

Learning objectives

By completing this module, you will gain further insight on:
  • The aetiology, pathology and clinical manifestations of the various types of glomerulonephritis (GN)
  • The pathophysiology of the underlying systemic disease leading to GN
  • The natural history/prognosis of the various types of GN
  • Key points to look for in the investigation of a patient with GN at presentation/diagnosis
  • Available and recommended management strategies in short and long term

About the course series

This course has been developed for trainee nephrologists and others in the UK nephrology community. This module is part of the CKD eLearning course composed of multiple modules that have been developed to encompass key elements of the syllabus for the Speciality Training Curriculum for Renal Medicine, as developed by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board.

This eLearning course is a collaboration between the UK Kidney Association and Astellas to develop robust and engaging modular content that aims to deliver maximum educational benefit to trainee nephrologists and others in the UK nephrology community.

Advance your knowledge

Improve patient outcomes

Professor Alan Salama

Professor Alan Salama is a consultant in Nephrology and Director of the UCL Department of Renal Medicine, at the UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences, rated as top in London for Medicine and in the top 10 in the world as a Faculty of Medical Sciences. He specializes in immunological kidney diseases, with expertise in vasculitis, autoimmunity and transplantation.

Alan trained in Oxford and in London at The London Hospital, Guy’s Hospital and The Hammersmith Hospital, completing a PhD at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School and a post-doctoral period at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. In addition to his clinical work, he supervises a laboratory investigating autoimmune kidney disease and immune dysfunction, attempting to find better ways of diagnosing and treating immune mediated renal conditions, such as systemic vasculitis and SLE.

He is current secretary of the UKKA has served on the Kidney Research UK research Grants committee. He was an editor for Nephrology , Dialysis and Transplantation and continues as one of the editors of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.